Photo by Mx. Granger (CC0 1.0)
Taxi, tuk tuk & cyclo
Getting around Phnom Penh
Getting around Phnom Penh is easy. There is a choice of taxi, tuk tuk or cyclo. Stop one on the street or use one of the apps like PassApp or Grab.
Orientation in Phnom Penh
Orientation in Phnom Penh is straightforward, as all streets are numbered. Streets with even numbers run West - East, streets with odd numbers run North - South.
Getting a taxi, tuk tuk or cyclo
Taxi, tuk tuk and cyclo drivers often wait in front of hotels, on Sisowath Quay and at tourist attractions like the Royal Palace. Walking around town, passing tuk tuk drivers will often call you to offer a ride.
Agree on price first
The price you pay depends on distance, whether it’s day or night and on your bargaining skills.
The driver will usually quote an inflated price first. It’s then up to you to negotiate a better rate. Agree on the price before setting off. If you want the driver to wait, agree on duration of the trip as well.
Tuk Tuk
Called remok in Khmer, tuk tuks are a fun way to get around Phnom Penh.
The old style tuk tuks are a carriage pulled by a motorcycle. Usually they can carry up to four people. Lately more modern and smaller tuk tuks have taken to the streets. They can carry two or three people.
Since tuk tuks are open, passengers are exposed to noise, dust and pollution. They are best used for short city trips and not very suitable for long trips. A rough guideline for tuk tuk fares is:
Taxis are the most comfortable way to get around the city. They are air conditioned and quicker and safer than tuk tuks or cyclos. Taxis wait on Sisowath Quay and at international hotels.
A cyclo is a kind of bicycle rickshaw. Although quite slow, a cyclo ride is fun to try at least once.
A remnant of the colonial era, cyclos are slowly being replaced by more modern modes of transport. You can find cyclos waiting at hotels in the downtown area or at tourist attractions like the Royal Palace.
PassApp & Grab taxi or tuk tuk
A convenient and easy alternative to stopping a taxi or tuk tuk on the street is to use on of the apps, like PassApp or Grab. Download the app on your phone and choose where you want to go. When the taxi or tuk tuk arrives, make sure it’s the right one.
Some advantages of using an app are:
- Prices are fixed, no need for bargaining
- Often cheaper
- No language barriers
- No confusion about where you want to go
A Grab or PassApp tuk tuk will cost about US$ 1 for a short trip in the downtown area.
Half or full day charter
If you have tried a few tuk tuks and found a driver you like, charter his tuk tuk for a half day or full day to do sightseeing around Phnom Penh. Agree on duration, places to go to and price before starting the trip. Get his phone number and pay at the end.
An experienced local driver who speaks English can also tell you about local culture, religion and recent history like the Khmer Rouge era and he can recommend local restaurants to have lunch or dinner.
Airport to city
Phnom Penh international airport is located about 12 kilometers West of downtown Phnom Penh. Get to the city by either taxi, tuk tuk or shuttle train.
Taxi or tuk tuk
The quickest and most convenient way to get into town is by air conditioned taxi or open tuk tuk. The trip takes some 30 to 40 minutes depending on traffic. A taxi will cost about US$ 16, a tuk tuk around US$ 10.
Shuttle train
A cheaper but slower way is to take the shuttle train. Walk out of the arrivals hall to the Royal Railway station in front of the airport. Tickets are US$ 2.50 one way. The ride ends at Cambodia Railway station in the center of town and takes about 30 minutes. From there, get a tuk tuk to your hotel. Tuk tuks wait in front of the train station.
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