Htukkanthein temple
Bunker like temple on a small hill North of Mrauk U
The Htukkanthein temple is a bunker like Buddhist temple on a small hill located near the Shite-Thaung temple North of Mrauk U town. The structure has a dark interior and a long spiralling corridor leading to the inner chamber.
The temple’s name translates to “cross beam ordination hall”. As the very massive structure is built on raised ground, has small windows and just a single entrance, it is believed that the Htukkanthein served as a place of refuge during times of war.
King Min Phalaung, builder of the temple
The Htukkanthein temple was built in 1571 by King Min Phalaung, whose reign brought prosperity and expansion of the Mrauk U empire. Min Phalaung built more than a dozen pagodas, the Royal Palace (1577) as well as the Pitaka Taik, the only remaining library building. The Pitaka Taik is a small, very ornate stone building decorated with carvings of floral motifs found near the Htupayon pagoda, a little to the North. It was used to store the Tripitaka, the ancient Buddhist texts that the King received from Ceylon (present day Sri Lanka).
Massive structure
Built on top of a small levelled hill the square Htukkanthein temple built of massive sandstone blocks and brick measures 32 meters long on each side. The structure is surrounded on all sides by massive stone walls. Stairways on the East and South side lead to the temple, the East one being the main entrance.
On top of the Htukkanthein’s flat surface is a large central bell shaped stupa topped with a circular, mushroom shaped hti. It is surrounded by 4 smaller, similarly shaped stupas at the corners, also topped with a hti. A window in the central dome allows the rays of the sun to illuminate the principal Buddha image in the central chamber.

Htukkanthein temple interior
The temple’s dark interior is lit with candles creating a mystical atmosphere. A vaulted passageway spirals up through the temple’s interior towards the inner chamber where the principal Buddha image is enshrined.
At regular intervals in the corridor’s walls are a total of 140 arched recesses, each enshrining a stone image of the Buddha. Each image is flanked by stone sculpted images of people who are believed to be donors who sponsored construction of the temple. Among them are common people, noblemen, officials and their wives. The female figures show off the 64 traditional hair styles of the Mrauk U Kingdom.
Finally the passageway ends up in the five meter high inner chamber, shaped like a dome. This chamber enshrines the principal Buddha image. The stone image set on a high pedestal is illuminated by the rays of the sun.
Other temples in Mrauk U
Among the other temples & pagodas in Mrauk U are: