Le-myet-hna temple
One of Mrauk U’s oldest temples
The Le-myet-hna pagoda is located North of the Royal Palace, near the Htukkanthein temple. It is one of the oldest temples of Mrauk U; it was built in 1430 by King Min Saw Mon, the founder of the Mrauk U Kingdom.
The Le-myet-hna Paya, which translates to “four faced pagoda” is a rectangular sandstone structure. At the center of each side is a vaulted entrance protruding out of the structure facing one of the four cardinal directions. The main entrance is East.
Bell shaped stupas on the temple’s surface
On top of the temple’s flat surface are five stupas. In the center is the main, large bell shaped stupa topped with a mushroom shaped hti, an ornamental top element. The stupa with concentric rings at the base rises to a height of 21 meters. The main stupa is surrounded by four smaller stupas; one on each corner of the temple.
Le-myet-hna interior
The temple’s interior has an octagonal floor plan with a large column at the center. Around it, seated on pedestals are eight stone images of the Buddha in the Bhumisparsha mudra of calling the Earth to witness. The wall opposite the central column contains 20 niches, each enshrining one slightly smaller image of the Buddha.
The total number of 28 images signifies the 28 Buddhas mentioned in the Buddhavamsa, a part of the Tripitaka, the Buddhist scriptures written in ancient Pali language.
Other temples in Mrauk U
Among the other temples & pagodas in Mrauk U are: